Another tree-planting within the Green Marathon campaign again took place in Khojasan settlement on April 9th. This time the Ministry of Digital Development and Transportation and the employees of BP regional office for Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey joined the nation-wide planting campaign jointly run by IDEA and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan. Over 2000 pine and olive trees were planted on a 3 hectare area during the event.
09.04.2022This time, Azerbaijan Television employees joined the initiative and planted over 1000 pine and olive trees on a 2 hectare area together with colleagues from IDEA and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.
05.04.2022On April 2nd, Green Marathon 2022 was launched with the first tree planting of the year. During the campaign that was organized in Mushvigabad settlement, 2000 numerous trees were planted with participation of 100 volunteers.
02.04.2022IDEA has relaunched the process of collecting used/ unwanted clothes and shoes! Please consider donating your unneeded garments, rather than sending them to landfill. By giving a second life to your garments, you can help those in need without causing harm to the planet. These are the the locations where you can find the bins:
15.03.2022Dedicated to Novruz, the coming of spring and the plants, the march session of the Ecological laboratory of IDEA and Sevimli Bala was organized for the children of the fallen soldiers under the care of the Modern Psychology Center. During the session children planted semeni and other seeds in pots, while also learning about springtime and awakening of all living beings in the natural world.
14.03.2022On March 4 a meeting was held dedicated to the results of the project “Youth participation in the environmental assessment of territories liberated from the occupation of Azerbaijan.” and head of the IDEA Public Association.