The goal of the Ecological Laboratory for Children project is to help children better understand the environment and nature and to contribute to the development of a sense of care for nature in the younger generation.
17.01.2015Green Car - electric vehicle sales and service center has started to implement an ecologically innovative large-scale project across the country with support of Azerbaijan Automobile Federation and IDEA. One of the main goals of the project is to bring the latest technological innovations to Azerbaijan.
14.01.2015IDEA İctimai Birliyi və “Sevimli bala” təşkilatı arasında həyata keçirilən əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində, IDEA və “Sevimli bala” yanvar ayından etibarən 5-12 yaşlı uşaqlar üçün ətraf mühit üzrə maarifləndirmə xarakterli silsilə tədbirlərdən ibarət olan “Uşaqlar üçün ekoloji laboratoriya” adlı birgə layihəyə start verildiyini elan edir.
13.01.2015Within 6 months of the current year, 78 requests from Baku and Sumgait cities was entered to IDEA in relation with illegal tree cutting. Each request was separately considered and appropriately documented by IDEA Public Union and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. Detailed information on each request on a tree cutting incident, as well as photographs taken on the spot, and appropriate documents prepared by official bodies have been placed on the website of IDEA Public Union ( It is possible to get detailed information on the Program on the above-mentioned webpage.
17.12.2014As known, at the initiative of Mrs.Leyla Aliyeva, IDEA founder, the construction of a shelter for five thousand homeless animals in Karadagh district has been started since October this year.
11.12.2014At the meeting, Leyla Aliyeva talked about the projects implemented by IDEA Public Union towards protecting the environment in Azerbaijan and in the region at large.