The Ecological Laboratory for Children – March Session

Held on the verge of Nowruz, the eco-lab training session for children was devoted to the coming of spring and the awakening of natural world.

Focusing on the Sustainable Development Goal 14 “Life on land”, the trainers informed the young environmentalists about terrestrial ecosystems and their destruction, the protection of forests and their sustainable use, as well as the role of forests in combating climate change.

Further, children planted seedlings of the narcissus plant, created their own animal figures from clay and enjoyed building a birdhouse from used plastic bottle.

At the end of the session, the young participants were given special SDG coloring books to help them better understand the 17 Goals.

March laboratory served to the strengthening kids’ knowledge about the human impacts on the Earth and the urgent need to safeguard the environment by achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals.

Information on the training courses arranged in the framework of the “Ecological laboratory for children” jointly implemented by IDEA Public Union and “Sevimli Bala kids club is regularly published in media.

Please contact IDEA Public Union (012 497-63-16) to enroll your kids for the next eco-lab session to be organized at the Resource Center of IDEA at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.