Next Laboratory Training was Arranged for Kids
On March 14, next laboratory training was held within the “Ecological laboratory for kids” jointly implemented by IDEA Public Union and “Sevimli bala” organization.
The training which was held on the eve of Spring and Novruz holiday was dedicated to the revival of nature, blossoming of plants, rebirth of wildlife, and other natural phenomena, which coincides with the first month of spring.
Furthermore, “young ecologists” were widely informed about photosynthesis process, which is vital for plants, as well as about internal and external structure of flowers. The kids also learned the secrets of planting and breeding of Samani which is the symbol of Novruz holiday, and observed the process of making perfumes out of flower blossoms in a natural way.
Per to the tradition of the laboratory, various entertaining and intellectual games were organized for the kids.
Besides providing insight on the revival of nature and bestowing an entertaining day for the children, the March laboratory also contributed to deepening their understanding about national traditions at early ages.
Information on the training courses arranged in the framework of the “Ecological laboratory for kids” jointly implemented by IDEA Public Union and “Sevimli bala” organization, is regularly published in media.
Please contact IDEA Public Union (012 497-63-16) to enroll your kids for the next session of “Ecological laboratory for children” to be organized at the Resource Center of IDEA Public Union at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.