New Sessions of the Ecological Training Program by IDEA and the Ministry of Education

IDEA Public Union and the Ecological Education and Practice Center under the Ministry of Education continue their joint ecological training program “Let’s Protect the Environment Together”, which is aimed at increasing environmental awareness and involving children in the solution of environmental problems from an early-age.

The April trainings were held on the subject of bioethics, bionics and biotechnology. The training sessions were held at eco-clubs of the National Gymnasium of Humanitarian Disciplines named after S.J.Pishavari, Elite Gymnasium and School No. 46 named after Aghabay Novruzbayli.

During the theoretical part of the training, schoolchildren gained extensive knowledge about the main principles of bioethics, right ways to treat nature and animals, as well as cloning, hybridization, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and antibiotics. The practical part consisted of interactive exercises on the relevant subject, group activities, crosswords, quizzes and contests.

Overall, in the framework of “Let’s Protect the Environment Together” program, training sessions for members of eco-clubs of other Baku schools will be held throughout 2016 on such topics as basics of ecology, the ecology of plants and animals, human ecology, urban ecology and future cities, climate change, alternative energy, waste management, biodiversity and its conservation, forest ecology, green tourism, etc.