IDEA launched Landscape Design courses

On 9 September 2016 IDEA Campaign kicked off Landscape Design courses within the framework of its Youth Education Program.

The project is desingned to create harmony between people and nature, reveal the true beauty of nature, and of course teach participants how to properly carry out small projects and be more creative and unique in developing aesthetically pleasing, functional and sustainable landscapes.

The course will last for two months and will be held once a week at IDEA’s Resource Centers located in the Academy of Public Administration and Zira Cultural Center.

Selected out of 500 registered people, the 35 young participants will be taught the following themes: landscape classification, history of landscape architecture, landscape architecture positions, landscape design, organic farming and its importance and much more interesting.

Those who successfully complete the course will be awarded a certificate of participation from IDEA.

IDEA regularly organizes trainings, seminars, viewings of films about nature, and other activities for young people that study ecology and sustainable development in order to deepen their knowledge of the environment, help them focus on solving environmental problems and offer them experts’ views on these issues. Such events are held on a monthly basis at IDEA’s Resource Center located at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

All announcements about events and activities are distributed through IDEA’s internet resources. ( and