IDEA Eco-Scout Project Continues Successfully
The Eco-Scout project, initiated by IDEA Public Union and generating great interest among young people, is successfully continuing. On May 16, a meeting was held at the IDEA Resource Center with new members of the IDEA eco-scouts, whose number has reached 70 in a short period.
It should be noted that the project was launched on March 27. The aim of the project is to engage young people in the protection of nature, encourage them to use natural resources wisely and efficiently, study and protect the living world in depth, and participate in beneficial ecological activities in society.
The IDEA Eco-Scout project gives young people the opportunity to understand the ecological problems that pose a threat to our planet and participate in solving these problems by involving others in this social movement and becoming its leader.
During the meeting, young people who want to become IDEA eco-scouts were provided with detailed information about the essence of the project, the obligations of eco-scouts, their principles of activity, daily eco-scout rules, ways to join the eco-scout club, obtaining membership and high-status cards, as well as the points accumulation mechanism.
It should be noted that young people applying to join the club received a membership card and a specially prepared IDEA cap, backpack, and badge. New members under the "Young Ecologist" status will have the opportunity to engage in environmentally beneficial activities, earn points, and increase their status. Eco-scouts who accumulate enough points will be considered to have reached the highest stage and will receive valuable gifts from IDEA.
At the end of the meeting, the new members who voluntarily applied to join the IDEA eco-scout project together recited the eco-scout oath.