IDEA and Tamiz Shahar OrganizedEeco-summer School in Shaki, Azerbaijan

Press center of organizational committee reported that more than 1.500 students submitted applications for participation in this summer school.

The main purpose for holding the summer school for students is formation of green thinking among the youth, provision of active youth participation in environmental protection sphere, identification of young active specialists for not only environmental organizations but also organizations where environmental issues is important.

Summer school started on July 5, 2012 and lasted until July 10, 2012. During the 5 day summer school the participants got main information about solid waste management and different types of solid waste, and learned about methods of solid waste management and utilization. Trainers from “Tamiz Shahar” JSC and IDEA Campaign delivered special session on “Economic growth impact on environment”.

On the basis of received knowledge the students held public discussions devoted to economic and ecologic safety, negative impact of consumer behavior on environment and responsibility of citizens towards environment. Intellectual games and quizzes, sport activities were organized for students in leisure time.

"Debate in Civil Society" Public Union provided its organizational support for summer school.