First Cleanup Action of 2016 Held

On June 5 - World Environment Day, IDEA Campaign and “Tamiz Shahar” JSC held an annual cleanup event on Buzovna beach, in connection with swimming season opening.

The event was also organized in support of UNEP’s Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML).

Under the slogan “Let's Keep Our Beaches Clean!”, the event that gathered over 100 volunteers, aimed at bringing public awareness in preventing pollution along coastal areas as well as maintaining litter removal. Failure to clean up waste on beaches, apart from causing sanitation problems, results in significant damage to marine environment.

Equipped with all the necessary sanitary tools, the participants sorted out recyclables from the collected debris and determined most commonly found pieces of trash on the beach. Afterwards, the waste was delivered to the Balakhani Solid Waste Sorting Plant.